SPC Corinne Coleman
CA Army National Guard
On November 20, 2007, after months of feeling lost, I raised my right hand to defend the state of California and the constitution of the United States of America when I joined the Army National Guard. I had no idea what I was in for, but at the time, I needed some discipline and swift kick in the right direction to fulfill my life's purpose. I was 20 years old, felt invincible, thought I had everything figured out.
Working at NGB helped me see my potential and the doors my hard work and persistence would open for me. The only thing stopping me from progressing the way I wanted, was me not having a degree.
In September of 2014, I decided to change that and turn down another year at NGB to go home and pursue my education.
Being in the Army gave me the confidence and mental strength to go back to school and be successful. I will forever be grateful for my time with the 185th Military Police Battalion and at NGB,
Links to additional Social Media Campaigns and Promotions I was a part of while working at the National Guard Bureau:
#MyGuardBirthday Campaign 2013
I spent the first few years of service going through the motions to fulfill my obligation. In 2010, I took an assignment in South Korea, and the experience allowed me to realize how much more I wanted out of my military career.
From then on, I would consistently find ways to stay active in the reserve component by taking on jobs within my unit and other Guard-related opportunities.
In November 2012, I was blessed with the opportunity to work at the National Guard Bureau in Arlington, Virginia. While there, I was assigned to the ARNG-G1-HRM-R division as a Management Analyst. I also took on other roles and responsibilities echelons above my pay grade.